Reiterzeit will offer printed photos or digital photos in JPG format (size of images: 3088 x 2056 or 3456 x 2304 – Dimensions may vary slightly) at the following prices. Preview pictures on the website are compressed. (To the photo order.)
Prices for photos (gloss or mat):
10 x 15 cm: 22,90 EUR/item
13 x 18 cm: 22,95 EUR/item
20 x 30 cm: 23,50 EUR/item
30 x 45 cm: 24,95 EUR/item
All prices are inclusive freight and packaging. Delivery time: approx. 4 – 5 days. The photos are intended solely for personal use and may not appear on websites or social networks (see below for options) or used for commercial purposes.
Prices for photos on canvas:
20 x 30 cm: 74,50 EUR/item
40 x 60 cm: 107,20 EUR/item
50 x 75 cm: 129,50 EUR/item
All prices are inclusive freight and packaging. Delivery time: approx. 1 week. The photos are intended solely for personal use and may not appear on websites or social networks or used for commercial purposes.
Prices for poster:
20 x 30 cm: 41,00 EUR/item
30 x 45 cm: 44,00 EUR/item
40 x 60 cm: 50,00 EUR/item
50 x 75 cm: 55,00 EUR/item
All prices are inclusive freight and packaging. Delivery time: approx. 1 week. The photos are intended solely for personal use and may not appear on websites or social networks or used for commercial purposes.
Prices for photos by e-mail (commercial use):
Price per photo + copyright note: 80,00 EUR
Price per photo without copyright note: 240.00 EUR
Reiterzeit reserves all use and copyright.
The use of the photos for internet, homepages, websites, ads, catalogs, etc. will be charged according to the specified prices. Other usages are billed individually.
If you order multiple photos a discount is possible. If multiple photos are ordered, the shipping costs will be reduced accordingly.
If the indication of the source in ordered photos with copyright, is missing or unclear, a surcharge of 100 % will be charged on the calculated price. A legitimate claim for damages is when a violation of copyright law exists.
Copyright: All photos on this site can not be copied, published in any way or used for similar (eg sales ads.) without express written permission of Violators will be displayed.
Order: The shipping will be done upon receipt of payment. When ordering, please specify the name and number of the photo, maybe even the event.
Prices are exclusive of VAT, as a sales tax exemption exists.
Please send inquiries to: Meike Rath